Wednesday 31 January 2007

All hail the Mirren

I love my fella with all my heart. But if I were to throw him over, which wouldn't happen lightly what with him being my heart's love, it would be for Helen Mirren. My sister and I watched the Golden Globes recently and I swear she was the best looking woman in the room, hands down. I don't even bat for the team, yet Ms Mirren is just quite spellbinding. So, after whisking cattishly out of work at five on the dot in order to make the bus, I talked my fella into going to see the movie The Queen, in which the lovely Ms Mirren plays the title role. Oh, such a lovely, rich, emotive drama it is, too. You don't need to be a monarchist, as I am not, to love it - but you do have to be someone who likes getting into a good piece of psychological and emotional exploration. Just like a chunky vegetable pie. I loved it.

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