Monday 15 January 2007

On your marks ... get set ...

Oh, the salutoriest of greetings from your faithful correspondent. I did the ol' first day and it was grand. Met lots of folks and all were very nice and polite and welcoming, which put me at my ease considerably. I was a bit edgy this morning - after a night of some restlessness, I couldn't finish my cornflakes, ended up at the library forty minutes before it opened and was nearly eating my own hair by 11.30 am. I cannot express how odd it is to be at a workplace where I know nothing. Certainly not to toot my own harpsichord, but I had been around at my last workplace long enough to end up being the go-to person for the history and rationale for the last several years of decision-making, and it was a privilege indeed to be that ol' soul. Now I'm utterly tabula rasa and hoping that no one will be too put out by it. However: I have a quiet library in which to start fine-tuning ye olde crafte, at least until the end of February when patron influx will put my learning to practical purpose. My spirits were buoyed today by the wellwishing of lovely folks: Janie, Annie, Jess, thank you for your texting, it made my bus ride that much more comforting this morn.

Oh, and guess what? I can wear open-toed shoes, which is a stone-col' blessing when the weather tomorrow is slated for a paltry 40 degrees. Oh, stop your piffling, Al Gore.

I did a bad reader thing and actually paused in my reading of Black Swan Green, fabulous though it is, to get hooked in completely by We need to talk about Kevin by Lionel Shriver. What an ass-kick of a book! It's one of those stories in which you warm to none of the characters, the story is painful, and yet you just can't put the durn thing down. Excruciatingly delightful.

Alrighty, my gorgeous fella is preparing a celebratory meal (postscript: it was vegetable polenta pie and a chocolate brownie for dessert. Heaven, it was) and it's time for me to get my chow on. New colleagues will be unprepared for Operation Virgo, which will commence on my new desk as of tomorrow. Old colleagues will sigh with relief that the sight of the world's neatest paperclip collection and the scent of eucalyptus oil is now far behind them.


Anonymous said...

Chelle sweet I am very happy to hear your day went well and that you settled in ok...that gnarly feeling of not knowing what to do with oyurself will soon go away and be replaced with rush/hurry/excitement and time one will look back upon that fine first day when one could rejoice in the simple actvity of chewing hair.

Anonymous said...

Hey babe! Well done. Sounds like you did fabulously on your first day. I'm going to have to go there in a few weeks in disguise and ask you a narly question such as "I'm trying to find out the legal implications of calling my porcupine Harold". I'm sure you would do great! In the meantime enjoy your paperclip monument building and being the 'new gal' on the library block. Love ya Chelle!

Jessinboots! XX