Wednesday 10 January 2007

Work it, baby

Hmmm, looks like I'm going to be gettin' my network on this week. I have a bona fide library mentor, yes I do, and she and I are catching up today to chat over what to expect next week. And I'm lunching with a lovely fella who also got a graduate position in the library, 'cos he and I are starting at the same time next week. So I'll be pickin' brains, that's fer sure.

I'm not always good with anticipation, really: but especially when I can't get a picture in my mind's eye of what to expect. Oh, flying blind, it's a treat. I'm still not sure what to wear in my first week - maybe I should take my cue from Bust magazine, who have done a librarian fashion spread in their latest isshue. Or maybe not. The lovely Vanessa Berry advised me to make sure that I have a tweed skirt in my wardrobe as a professional staple. I've got tweed pants (and fetching they are too) but not a skirt. Yet. I don't dare to contradict Vanessa so something may need to be sorted out. What if she came to Adelaide for a surprise wardrobe inspection? It has also been suggested that a twinset is mandatory librarian daywear. And of course, I'll need to hook up a chain for my eyeglasses. My question to you: what fashion items are de rigeur for a librarian? My question to me: can I curb my filthy mouth in a new workplace? We cussed our asses off at my last job, and it becomes really fuckin' addictive.


Anonymous said...

Girlfriend, I say start with the tweed skirt, finish with the sex-red lipstick.


Anonymous said...

I think some sensible hosiery to go with the tweed skirt is necessary also. Beige or flesh coloured, in a decent denier.
Wardrobe inspection!

Anonymous said...

You could wear a paper bag and look divinely appropriate anywhere.
But I do like the sound of you in tweed...and red lippy of course.
Oh, and don't forget a pair of sensible reading glasses poised deliciously on the end of your nose.
I wish you well with your wardrobe decision making and legislative locating.

Anonymous said...

Chris said...

Hey there Chelle,

When I start there with you, I'm looking at the Old School option. This would mean a classic range of Cardies for yourself, and Vests for myself. Body stays warm, arms stay free. It'll come back, and when it does, we Librarian's will be there.
Tweed skirt below the knee is a necessity, for you at least.